That Post on Traffic Exchanges I Promised

Just a little post so you all know I’m not dead, as I don’t have much material to work with. If you sign up with ZipNadaZilch through me or if you have any sort of website you want to promote, traffic exchanges (TE) are your friend. A lot of my page views are directed from traffic exchanges so a lot of you already know what one is, but I’ll still explain it for those who don’t know. You earn credits by surfing through the TE. It directs you to webpages that belong to other users of the TE, and each credit you earn from doing so can be applied to your URL for one other person to view it. In order to keep people from clicking through quickly and not even looking at the pages, there is a time limit that makes you stay on the page for a certain number of seconds or you don’t receive your credit.

I use 5 different exchanges and open them all at the same time in different tabs. Usually by the time you tab through each one the timer is used up, creating an efficient cycle. If you don’t have time to do all of that, there’s also an option to buy credits and apply them to your URL without ever looking at anyone else’s page. On some sites you can do geographical targeting to make sure you reach the right audience, and you can put a limit on how many hits your site gets per hour so the views stay consistent throughout the day. Without further ado, let’s look at some of the sites I use and review pros and cons.


Hitlink: This site has a 15 second timer. Sometimes it takes a little while for admins to approve a site when you add it; I presume it’s because they do so manually. This site does have geo targeting available, but it changes the ratio to two views per credit while surfing instead of one. You can add multiple target countries on this site. It also has a function to change hits per hour. I personally don’t like this site a whole lot because its navigation leaves something to be desired, but it does the trick.

Hit2Hit: This site has only a 6 second timer, but the ratio is 2:1. It gives you an ad about every time you log in; it gets sorta annoying but it’s bearable. This site doesn’t have geo targetting or hits per hour control, but there is a hit per day function, where 0 is unlimited. There’s helpful info all over the site, such as recommendations to other traffic exchanges, if you can bear to sift through the clutter. The site layout isn’t pretty but I can navigate it just fine. I personally like this site, but it’s mostly because of its short timer. This site has a 15 second timer as well. There’s no limit to the amount of URLs you can add to this site, and it has a 1:1 ratio. There’s also an option from the home page to surf with a 2:1 ratio. It’s pretty easy to navigate this site and I personally like it. It gets the job done, and that’s what counts. The navigation on this site is a little different than others but it’s effective once you get used to it. It has a 15 second timer for a 2:1 ratio, or a 20 second timer for a 1:1 ratio. Not a fan of the long timer on this site, but I like everything else about it. It got me 77 hits yesterday, not too shabby for the minimal amount of effort I put in. My first impression of this site was that it was cheesy. It has a space theme and is plastered with pictures of me in space suits and sombreros. It was pretty weird at first but now I think it’s decidedly endearing. I like the feel of the site, and I’m loving the 8 second timer while surfing. Their ratio is 3:1, but they often have promotions where you get extra credits (about .25) per view, and you have chances to “win” extra pretty regularly. This site is probably my personal favorite, for the atmosphere if nothing else.

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