Dabbling in the Pay To Click Scene.

Someone recently left a comment on my introduction post suggesting a few pay to click (PTC) sites. I’ve heard of them before but heard they were tedious and not worth the time so I didn’t initially intend to try it out, but I changed my mind. It IS a way to make money from home, so there’s no reason I shouldn’t try it out and cover it here, and because I’m a kind soul I want to give back to the reader who suggested it by using him as a referral. Keep in mind that this is my first attempt at a PTC site, so I’ll be writing as I figure it all out! Here goes nothing.


CashAdda will be my first attempt. One thing I noticed right away is that the minimum cashout is $0.01 (except through Payza, then it’s a dollar), and you’re eligible to cash out once you have $0.02 in your account. They pay through Paypal, Payza, and Perfect Money. Members with a free account, however, must have clicked 20 ads within the previous 7 days in order to be paid. Another thing I noticed is that an email subscription is compulsory in order to get paid. …Meh, I can deal with that, I guess. I really should make a new email for stuff like this. After glancing at the forums I jumped right into ad clicking. Like traffic exchanges, you have to stay on the page for a certain amount of time in order to have your account credited and then do a simple task such as choosing which image out of a row of 5 is upside down, to confirm you’re human. Yay, I earned… $0.0003. They really should have put emphasis on the UP TO part of “earn up to $0.01 per click.”


After about 5 minutes of clicking ads, I’ve formed a general impression of the site which I think can be summed up to “meh.” I have a newfound hatred of the phrase “wait please…” and in the short time I’ve been clicking I’ve gotten 3 error messages where I had to go back and redo the ad because it messed up somehow, and about 5 times CashAdda’s thingy at the top wouldn’t load to give me credit so I had to redo it. Opening multiple ads at a time in new tabs only serves to frustrate me further because half of them have to be redone anyway.


Okay so, obviously the ad clicking part isn’t for me. However, there are several different options under the “Earn Money” tab on the website. Time to check out the cash grid. It’s basically the same thing, with a chance to win a lot of money if you get super lucky. You have 25 tries per day and there are 560 different squares on the grid. At least each try yields a different pretty picture, so I can choose based on the location of the polar bear’s nose, or the monkey’s eye, or wherever my mouse happens to land. Fun, right? While clicking I glanced along the right side of the page and was again dismayed. Although the page says you can win up to $1000 dollars, I didn’t see anyone that won recently that got over a penny. Apparently though, someone won $1000 on November 15th and 17th. Might as well use up my 25 tries.


No wins on the grid, so I moved on to PTC Wall where I found an ad that pays a penny with an extremely long timer. Of course, it detected an invalid click after I waited a full minute. On the second attempt it kept loading eternally, and the third try yielded another invalid click. Whatever, I’m not trying that hard for a penny. Skipping over the traffic exchange because I’m already signed up with 5 different sites for that; skipping the click-to-like page because I don’t want a bunch of crap on my Facebook unless I make a fake account for it. Watching videos wasn’t too bad; I was even a little entertained, but there were only 3 available. Each gave me 5 CashAdda Coins, which apparently equal $0.001. I’m not sure how to convert that to cash or why they’d even bother to use a different currency on certain things, but okay.


After what I’d estimate to be an hour or so of playing around on this site, I have a grand total of $0.0183. Oh boy. I’m not very impressed with PTC overall, and I don’t think I’ll continue. I made easier money working for ChaCha, and even that was slave wages. If you’ve had a different experience, feel free to let me know in the comments.

P.S. Apologies for any grammar mistakes or boring writing, at this time of night we’re lucky I’m not asleep on the keyboard!

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